A group of women sitting closely together in a few rows demonstrating their connectedness.

Our Mission

Women’s Lead Club provides support, empowerment, education, resources, and opportunities to facilitate and encourage women’s rock climbing both indoors and outside. 

We acknowledge the limitations in the language we’re using as a “women’s” club and in an attempt to address how important inclusivity is in the climbing community; When we say women we mean, all kinds:  AFAB, woman-identified people, trans women, gender-non conforming and gender-expansive. While we are addressing issues pertaining to “women” in climbing we support the mission of clubs like Queer Climbing Club.

Calendar of Events

Visit our events calendar to find our monthly meetup schedule, educational classes like self rescue and anchor building, guided trips and more!

women hanging on the side of a rock face at a self rescue class working on their rope systems


Check out our blog for the latest posts from our members about meetups, gear recommendations, etc.

“Women’s lead club is security. This club gave me the guarantee that especially outdoor climbing will always be accessible. What once was precariously oriented around romantic relationships, is now centered around women’s empowerment.”  

Alejandra Rodriguez

Club Founder (she/her)

Rock Ice Mountain Club Presentation, 2024